Asset parameters

Within the EVAA protocol, every asset, such as TON and USDt tokens, is defined by a set of parameters that reflect its associated risk. These parameters guide how assets are supplied and borrowed on the platform, impacting the strategy and security of asset management.

By understanding these parameters, you can better manage your tokens, ensuring safe borrowing and effective investment strategies.

Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV)

The Loan-to-Value ratio indicates how much you can borrow based on the value of your tokens.

Liquidation Threshold

This parameter sets the minimum value your tokens must maintain to prevent liquidation. It provides a safety buffer to protect loans from market fluctuations.

Example: if you borrow $70 and the liquidation threshold is 75%, your tokens must stay above a value of $93.33 to avoid being sold off.

Liquidation Bonus

A liquidating bonus is a reward given to liquidators protecting lenders’ interests for efficiently resolving unsecured loans.

  • TON: 9%

  • tsTON: 11%

  • stTON: 12%

  • USDT: 7%

  • jUSDT & jUSDC: 12%

Example: If there is a 9% liquidation bonus on TON, helping liquidate $1000 worth of TON would earn an additional $90.

Last updated