Supply & Borrow

Getting Started with EVAA

  1. Connect your wallet to the EVAA APP or Telegram Mini App.

  2. Supplying Tokens:

    • Begin by supplying your tokens and TON to the protocol.

    • Once supplied, you will start accruing APY on your holdings.

    • Remember, the tokens you supply can act as collateral for borrowing on the platform.

  3. Borrowing Tokens:

    • With sufficient collateral in place, you can proceed to borrow tokens.

    • Typically, you can borrow up to 65% of your collateral's value.

    • When borrowing, you'll be subjected to a borrow APY, implying that you'll incur interest on the borrowed amount.

  4. Repayment of Loans:

    • Navigate to the “repay” option within the platform.

    • Choose the desired repayment amount and confirm the transaction.

  5. Withdrawing Assets:

    • To retrieve your assets, hit the “withdraw” option.

    • You can't withdraw all your assets if you have outstanding borrowed amounts.

Need Assistance?

Connect with the vibrant community and the EVAA team at the EVAA Protocol Hub on Telegram.

Last updated