What is it, how to mine it, and what you will get out of it.

In This Guide

  • Understand EVAA XP and its ecosystem integration.

  • Learn how to earn XP from platform activities.

  • Discover tips to maximize XP gains.

  • Increase earnings through referrals.

  • Keep abreast of updates to XP rates.

  • Follow a guide to start earning XP quickly.

Introduction to EVAA XP

EVAA XP (Experience Points) is designed to reward you for participating in asset supply and borrowing on the platform. This system lets you accumulate points that play a key role in how much of the future token distribution you can claim.

By actively supplying and borrowing, you’re not just enhancing the platform’s liquidity and functionality — you’re also setting yourself up for substantial rewards in $EVAA tokens after the Token Generation Event (TGE).

This guide is here to help new users understand and engage confidently and effectively with the EVAA platform.

How XP is Accumulated

1. Asset Supply and Borrowing

Users earn XP by engaging in two primary activities on the EVAA platform:

  • Supplying Assets: Depositing certain assets into the platform.

  • Borrowing Assets: Taking loans in different forms of assets.

2. Weekly Updates and Random Snapshots

EVAA XP balances are updated weekly. Importantly, snapshots of user balances are taken at random days and times during the week.

If you keep your funds in the platform without withdrawals, and multipliers remain unchanged, you will receive the same amount of XP as the previous week.

3. EVAA XP Calculation

The calculations adjust based on the real-time market values of the tokens at the exact moment of each snapshot.

This formula helps you calculate the total XP you earn from both supplying and borrowing tokens on the platform for the week:


Suppose you have:

  • Supplied 1000 tokens of Asset A, with a market price of $2 per token at the time of the snapshot and a supply multiplier of 20.

  • Borrowed 500 tokens of Asset B, with a market price of $3 per token at the time of the snapshot and a borrow multiplier of 30.

Using the formula:

  • EVAA XP from supplying Asset A: 1000×2×20=40,000 EVAA XP

  • EVAA XP from borrowing Asset B: 500×3×30=45,000 EVAA XP

Total EVAA XP earned: 40,000+45,000=85,000 EVAA XP

Optimizing Your EVAA XP Gain

To maximize gains:

  • Utilize the referral program to earn additional EVAA XP based on the activity of everyone you invite.

  • Consider collecting EVAA NFT cards on Getgems, this may offer you a multiplier on EVAA XP.

EVAA XP Referral Program

For every friend who signs up using your referral link, you’ll receive an additional 5% of the EVAA XP they earn each week from the tokens they supply or borrow. This bonus allows you not just to grow your own rewards but also to benefit directly from the active participation of your referrals.

Start sharing your referral link today and watch your EVAA XP multiply as your network expands: https://app.evaa.finance/rewards

EVAA XP Multipliers

You can combine Mainnet and Boost cards together to receive an increased multiplier.

Mainnet Cards:

Boost Cards:

Timeline and Milestones

1. Start Date

The XP accumulation started on March 29 and will continue up to the Token Generation Event (TGE).

2. Conversion to $EVAA Tokens

After the TGE, users may have opportunities to benefit from their accumulated XP, potentially receiving EVAA tokens based on the overall distribution strategy and total XP collected across the platform. The specifics of how XP translates into rewards will depend on various factors, including the total amount of XP.

The EVAA token will be central to the protocol's governance of EVAA DAO. Token holders will vote on EVAA Improvement Proposals (EIPs), shaping the future of the protocol.

How to Get Started

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

First, connect your wallet to the EVAA platform either through the EVAA App or the EVAA Bot.

Step 2: Supply and Borrow

Start supplying and borrowing assets such as TON, stTON, tsTON, USDt. This activity will begin your XP mining.

Step 3: Monitor and Convert Your XP

Keep track of your XP through the EVAA app and be ready for its conversion post-TGE.

Troubleshooting and Support

If you encounter issues with your XP not updating correctly or at all, please wait for the weekly update cycle as corrections are often applied retrospectively.

For persistent problems, contact support through official community hub: https://t.me/EvaaProtocolHub

Last updated