EVAA XP Mining

EVAA XP Mining is a comprehensive incentive program for the active EVAA users to distribute EVAA XP over the next months.

For every dollar of borrow and supply balance, we score the amount of XP listed on the https://app.evaa.finance or t.me/evaaappbot dashboard.

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

Connect your wallet to the https://app.evaa.finance or t.me/evaaappbot. This is your starting point for mining the EVAA XP.

Step 2: Supply Assets

Begin mining EVAA XP by supplying and borrowing assets like TON, stTON, tsTON, jUSDC, and jUSDT. Use the https://app.evaa.finance or t.me/evaaappbot to do this.

Step 3: Mining of EVAA XP

You mine EVAA XP for each asset you supply or borrow, with a multiplier based on the pool size for a specific asset. Explore https://app.evaa.finance for the more details.

Step 4: Convert Your XP

In the subsequent phase, participants will be able to convert the EVAA XP they have accumulated. Further details will be announced on the official website.

Last updated