Tokenomics of EVAA

Tokenomics, as an integral component of any decentralized protocol, informs both the incentives and the mechanics of the platform.

EVAA Token

The EVAA token would be the primary currency and representational asset within the EVAA ecosystem.

Governance Functions

A governance token could play a pivotal role in the decentralized decision-making process. Holders of this token would likely have a say in the direction of the platform. Here's how it might work:

  • Voting Rights: Token holders can propose or vote on changes to the platform, ranging from minor parameter tweaks to significant structural changes.

  • Delegated Voting: Those who don't wish to participate directly can delegate their voting rights to another party, ensuring their voice is still heard.

  • Incentivization: Users might be rewarded for voting or proposing beneficial changes to promote active participation.

Reward Distribution

An essential aspect of any DeFi platform's tokenomics is how it rewards its participants. Here's a potential model for EVAA:

  • Liquidity Providers: Users who supply liquidity to the platform, whether in the native token or other accepted assets, could earn a portion of the transaction fees or a fixed interest rate.

  • Borrowers: While borrowers typically pay interest on their loans, there could be incentive programs for early repayment or borrowing under specific promotional periods.

  • Governance Participants: To encourage active governance, those participating in voting or other decision-making processes might receive additional governance tokens or other incentives.

Reserves and DAO Control

Reserve Formation

One of the cornerstones of the EVAA protocol's stability and long-term viability is the formation of reserves. EVAA takes a part of the interest people pay when they borrow (called "borrow APY") and puts it into a special "reserve pool". This helps keep EVAA stable and strong for the future.

DAO's Role in Reserve Management

EVAA's DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is crucial in managing and utilizing these reserves. Here's how:

  • Discretionary Usage: The DAO, comprising the community and token holders, can determine how these reserves are used, whether for reinvestment into the protocol, covering potential shortfalls, or community initiatives.

  • Transparency and Governance: All reserve decisions are made transparently and democratically, with token holders able to propose or vote on reserve-related matters.

  • Future-Proofing: As the ecosystem grows and evolves, the DAO ensures that the reserve's usage aligns with the community's best interests and the platform's long-term vision.

Last updated